Save Time and Money

Senior leadership and teacher’s time is a limited commodity and expensive. OPAL enables members of the senior leadership team to spend more time planning and leading and less firefighting behaviour issues.

Poor playtimes are a drain on teachers and have a negative impact on lesson time. On average teachers in OPAL schools get to teach around ten minutes more, per teacher, per day.

Most schools will also be spending between £50,000 to £100,000 a year on staff supervising play. An investment that is not supported by any planned or evaluated approach. OPAL schools gain much more positive value from their supervisory staff, improve staff enjoyment and retention.

"SLT are having to use lunch less time (if any) dealing with behaviour issues. There is a general feeling of children coming back into class calmer and happier."

Emma Phillips -Assistant Head with responsibility for Early Years - Warden Park Primary Academy

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