The OPAL Awards

OPAL Awards

The OPAL awards audit is carried out after schools have had a chance to implement their action plans. The awards audit process is carried out through a supported self evaluation between the mentor and the school and is based on the numerical scoring system of seventeen criteria in the audit. During this audit the mentor also discusses and records the next steps, so the school also have a renewed action plan. Award levels are silver, gold and platinum.

The awards certification last for three years. Most school enrolling on the OPAL Primary Programme reach at least silver award level at the end of the 12-18 months of the programme, some reach gold. OPAL is a way for school to permanently embed a change in culture and the award system helps provide a structure for them to continue to plan for play in the long term. Many schools book an annual OPAL refresher which includes a playtime observation, an audit and a next steps development planning meeting to enable them to continue to make improvements.

Price: The first awards assessment is part of OPAL programme. 
A refresher package is £300 for past OPAL schools

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