Pennine Region

Charlotte Derry


Charlotte is a play and museum consultant offering mentoring and training for schools and the cultural sector.

Charlotte has worked as a play mentor in schools for over 10 years, supporting new grounds developments with Eightspace and Grumpy Salford, and has delivered local authority and museum and gallery play training courses. She’s also worked with organisations to develop training, research and resources, including Play Wales, Kids in Museums, The Happy Museum and PlayKX. She currently heads up a network called Playful Places which aims to support museums and cultural venues to improve the conditions for play and she’s hoping her work will continue to help people be, and stay well.

Charlotte is also a p/t yoga teacher, a mum, wild swimmer, and a keen walker and gardener! A former playworker, trainer and museum exhibition and access officer, she brings her creativity and enthusiasm for the outdoors into schools to help you make the most of playtimes at your site.

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