Suffolk and West Kent
Becky Willans
Becky Willans has been a playworker for 20 years. She was the manager at KIDS Lady Allen Adventure Playground. She has also held positions as the External Examiner at Leeds Beckett University for the BA (HONS) Childhood Development and Playwork programme and was the Course Tutor and Programme Leader on the BA (HONS) Playwork and Youth Studies, FDA Playwork and Youth Studies / Playwork and Therapeutic Playwork Programmes at delivered at Thurrock and Basildon College.
Becky has a MA in Play and Playwork, PGCE in Post Compulsory Education and BA (HONS) Playwork and Youth Studies. She is trained in Portage and level 1 British Sign Language.
Becky’s previous research and published work focus on the play experiences of children during WWII, therapeutic play and supporting play experiences for autistic and disabled children.