OPAL North-West

Ben Tawil


Ben has worked in early years settings, in management positions at two adventure playgrounds and as National Play Development officer for Play Wales. He has also lectured in the subjects of childhood studies and play in both Higher and Further Education. Ben has worked on research projects investigating the effects of loose parts play on children’s physical activity, the sufficiency assessment of children’s opportunities for play, the influence of a playwork recess intervention on the school community and the development of suitable processes for managing risk is staffed children’s play settings.

Ben’s work has appeared in industry publications including Ip-Dip, Childcare Professional, Play For Wales and the Journal of Playwork Practice. He has also written and edited books including Foundations of Playwork, Playwork Theory into Practice, The Venture a Case Study of an Adventure Playground and Aspects of Playwork.

Ben routinely either delivers conference and training events or speaks at them; of most note recently this has included co-facilitating Play in School and Public Health events with Play Wales and the Home Life events he developed and delivered in both North and South Wales.

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