"I highly recommend using OPAL to any school seeking to develop play opportunities for their children."
Jack Lacey - Headteacher

"On re-inspection, we moved from Grade 4 (RI) to Grade 1 (Outstanding) in Behaviour and Safety at the Junior School. We would never have what we have now if it weren’t for the involvement of OPAL !"
Clare Fletcher - Headteacher

"The structure of the programme will allow us to keep on improving the quality of play at the school in the future. I would recommend the OPAL programme for other schools that are genuinely committed to making sure all children get access to great outdoor play."
Pete Mountstephen

"Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us throughout the project. Staff are delighted that all their efforts have resulted in the Platinum award but much, much more than that - all staff are happy that children are enjoying playing outside and are gaining so many important skills."
Angela Reece - Headteacher
"There is more co-operation between children of different year groups and many children are becoming adept at finding their own solutions to problems. Due to the variety of stimulating opportunities for creative play, there has been a significant reduction in almost all incidents of inappropriate behaviour."
Sarah Jeffery - Deputy Head

"Lunchtime staff are now immersed in lunchtime play. They are taking part in Basketball, helping children create towers, facilitating the play opportunities and leaving with a big smile on their face!"
Anthony McGeeney - Headteacher

"Go for it! Don’t hold back. You’ll have no regrets. It is hard work and involves a huge culture change.
The impact has been huge! There are fewer than 5 CPOMS incidents per month now."
Kate Hart - Curriculum Lead for OPAL

“Do it! It’s been the most transformative and straightforward route to change lives for children for
the better that I have experienced in my career so far. I cannot think of any rational reason to not
give it a go.”
Helen Easton - Assistant Head Teacher